年末了,迪翊咨询接收到了很多代孕中介公司,借卵中介公司,诊所,律师事务所的祝福电邮和信件,但是以下这家中介公司老板的信更加令人寻味,另外感触极深! 这其实是给在第三方生殖医疗行业前线痛并快乐着的专业人士的共勉信 !
今天迪翊咨询来,翻译出供大家分享哦! 内容如下:
今年在我们的代孕借卵的行业,中今年我看到了很多心痛和痛苦的时刻,我们看到代母失去了她自己的生命和她所怀双胞胎的生命,Sheri Shepherd事件, 美国当地多个媒体攻击我们崇高伟大的代孕事业和质疑第三方辅助生殖技术!但我们也看到有很少被媒体公开的时刻:我们每天都会看到的! 在我们选择这具有挑战性的行业中,我们都选择去帮助创造一个失去和得到的平衡!有坏消息,但是就是有更多的好消息!
Season's greetings to you and yours!
Dear colleagues and friends,
I've come to find that the holidays offer a time for reflection and a chance to spend a little extra time with family and friends. I hope this for you too.
As I reflect, I see moments within our industry this year that have caused heartache and distress, such as the surrogate who lost her life and the life of the twins she was carrying, the Sheri Shepherd case, and the multiple media attacks on surrogacy and assisted reproduction as a whole. But there are also the less publicized moments that we all see every day that help create a balance in the often challenging journey we've all chosen.
For XXX, we've seen dozens of births. We've seen people who never dreamed that they would one day become a family hold their baby for the first time and experience all the magic and wonder that comes with it. We've seen parents holding the their surrogate's hand as she endures the pain and joy of labor and delivery. We've seen gay dads hold their brand new baby boy for the first time as they rejoice not only in their new family, but also because this is the year that all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, could legally marry the people they love.
So while this year was filled with its own challenges, both within and out of the world of assisted reproduction, it was also filled with love, with hope and with enlightenment - all of which together reflect the journey of the human experience.
With another year ending and a new one beginning, I just wanted to take this moment to share some of these thoughts with all of you who make my life so rich. You fill me with love and laughter, with ideas and challenges, with hope and excitement for the future of all of our clients, donors, surrogates and industry friends. I am so grateful for the intricacies and experiences that this path has given me, and I am so very grateful for you. Thank you, friends and colleagues. May you and your families have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year.
联系电邮: usdytony@hotmail.com
DiYi Consulting迪翊咨询公司网址: http://www.diyiconsulting.com