北京的罗女士的代母会上双胞胎后,心理咨询师和美国代孕妈妈不断写信讨论和告诫,也像是道歉,说明可能美国代母不得不因为是双胞胎而剖腹产,不能像2年那样给罗女士生大女儿时,罗女士可以再产房亲眼见证自己女儿的出生了。这是由于剖腹产的时候,医生一般不允许很多人在场观看,手术室不大,那么这样一来,自然而然的美国代母可能只允许自己的丈夫在产房支持她的生产了。 这里可见美国代孕的细致之处啊, 美国心理咨询师和美国代孕妈妈亲自反复同中国代孕诉求方沟通和打招呼,试图赢得理解和支持,因为她们心理也清楚,作为真正的母亲,有谁不愿意在自己的孩子出生时可以亲眼见证的呢? 这种细腻的亲情和人性美国人是 十分尊重和理解的,所以这才有了美国代孕妈妈和心理咨询师的介入讨论呢!
Hi XX,
I understand that XXX emailed you about the hospital only allowing one person in the OR delivery room. I appreciate your understanding. I am really conflicted as I want you to be present for the birth of your boys, but my husband is a big support for me. I am hoping that the doctor will make an exception to allow two people in the delivery room, and I will keep asking the doctor as it gets closer.
I also appreciate being able to see the chiropractor to increase the chances that the babies turn head down in order to avoid a surgery. It also has been helping with pain and uncomfortable feelings associated with my growing belly!
Thank you for being supportive and understanding.
My family is so excited to see you, XX, and XXX again next month!
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