前两天,迪翊咨询收到了天津金先生的求助信,因为自己的美国代理孕母就要临盆了,她的产科答复加大了检测和评估的频率包括了产科32周后已经会使用的无负荷的测试评估手段,但是自己的美国美国代孕妈妈还是经历了假性宫缩,还好宫颈没有任何松动的迹象,目前降低宫缩的药就导致了代母的头疼,这可急坏了金先生,因为电邮都是英文的,涉及很多专有的词汇和妇产科医学术语,他希望不仅迪翊咨询可以帮助翻译一下,而且更多可以和产科大夫和美国代孕中介公司加强沟通,力保孩子足月的出生! 迪翊咨询在中秋节日期间也马上做了及时的跟进, 原来代母已经好转很多了,产科大夫认为她现在的状态很好,孩子也好,其实美国代理孕母期望更多的是金先生和他太太多多关心一下,因为毕竟都快生产了,但是就是最近1个多月,金先生都没有写电邮慰问了呢。。。 这种感情沟通希望所有客户都要和自己的美国代孕妈妈密切保持沟通啊!
Hello XX and XX,
This last week has been very busy. I had 3 doctors appointments for XXX. Dr. XXX said she is measuring on track, her heart rate was good, and her fluid level looks good. I had 2 Non Stress tests as well. Dr. XX has his patients start the Non Stress Tests at 34 weeks. She passed the first one really well. The second test they asked me to come back again the next day because XX's heart rate went from 135 to 110 for 2 minutes. When I went back in her heart rate was doing just fine. They did pick up on some contractions though. The contractions are most likely braxton hicks (practice contractions), but they had to put me on medications to stop them until Dr. XX is back in the office on Monday. I was told the difference between real contractions and braxton hicks contractions are that real contractions dilate your cervix and Braxton hicks do not cause dilation. I am guessing they will probably check my cervix. I am on modified best rest until I can talk to Dr. XXX on Monday. I have a full ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. My Non Stress Tests this week are for Tuesday and Friday. The medicine they gave me gives me a headache. I have to take it every 6 hours. I have been feeling worried that I have not heard from you or XX in over a month. I hope you can write to me soon. I am resting and drinking lots of water. I will give you an update after I talk to Dr. XXX tomorrow.
With Love,
联系电邮: usdytony@hotmail.com
DiYi Consulting迪翊咨询公司网址: http://www.diyiconsulting.com/